The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting shelter in place orders can be an exceptionally scary time for those who are suffering from family violence, sexual abuse, harassment and abusive relationships. By being forced to be inside their homes, even when home might not feel safe for them, it might feel like there is no safe place to go or no one to turn to.
To bring awareness, education and resources to these topics, DePaul Health Wellness and Promotion has designed a social media campaign on Instagram titled 'Stay Safe in Your Space.' This campaign highlights the importance of knowing more about intimate partner violence, the signs of an abusive or unhealthy relationship as well as DePaul policies, resources and more information posted weekly.
campaign is posted every week on Instagram with new information and provides in detail how intimate partner violence can affect your physical space, personal space and cyber space. Visit HPW’s Instagram
@healthydepaul every week to learn more about this campaign.
Take Care DePaul!