(Graphic courtesy of Active Minds)There are many stigmas and myths associated with mental illness. One of those myths is that recovery is not possible. But, most people with mental health problems can get better, and treatment and recovery are an ongoing process that happens over time. The first step is reaching out for help.
Everyone’s individual situation is different and our environment and support systems often play a huge part in our road to recovery. But, folks often do not reach out for support or help because of these myths and stigmas. Recovery from mental health disorders and/or substance use is a process of change through which individuals:
- Improve their health and wellness.
- Live a self-directed life.
- Strive to achieve their full potential.
This also includes the four dimensions of recovery:
- Health: Make informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being.
- Home: Have a stable and safe place to live.
- Purpose: Engage in meaningful daily activities, such as a job or school, volunteering, caring for your family, or being creative. Work for independence, income and resources to participate in society.
- Community: Build relationships and social networks that provide support.
Part of a successful recovery path may include developing a Recovery Plan. Recovery plans can help:
- Enable you to identify goals for achieving wellness.
- Specify what you can do to reach those goals.
- Include daily activities as well as longer term goals.
- Track any changes in your mental health problem.
- Identify triggers or other stressful events that can make you feel worse, and help you learn how to manage them.
If you or someone you know is in recovery, consider reaching out to Katie Bellamy (
kbellamy@depaul.edu), substance misuse prevention specialist for DePaul. Katie manages the Collegiate Recovery Community and can provide support for students in recovery. The Collegiate Recovery Community is a peer support network that is open to any DePaul student who identifies as being in any type of recovery.
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Take Care DePaul!
Article source: MentalHealth.GOV