DePaul University Newsline > Sections > In Case You Missed It > BlueSky is Getting a New Look

BlueSky is Getting a New Look

​​​We’re writing to let you know that Oracle Cloud, our vendor for the BlueSky system (HR, Payroll, Finance), will be introducing some visual and design changes over the next year and a half. This is not a new system; it’s BlueSky getting a new look and feel. Our hope is that the changes will improve your experience with commonly used portals, starting with Learning and Onboarding. We’ve highlighted some examples below such as fewer clicks to complete an online training and increased visibility for managers to monitor training compliance within their teams.

This will be an ongoing project and you’ll see different areas in BlueSky update to the new look over time. As updates go live in the system, there will be messages in BlueSky alerting you to the changes in that section, self-guided help tutorials to help you navigate, and drop-in sessions with subject matter experts to ask any questions that arise. You can also keep up with all BlueSky updates at​

BlueSky drop-in sessions for Learning and Onboarding:

Please feel free to join us for a drop-in session to learn more about the first updates to Learning and Onboarding. Join any of the sessions by clicking this Zoom meeting link.

Drop-in Sessions:

Wednesday, Sept. 4 from 2-3pm
Friday, Sept. 6 from 10-11am
Monday, Sept. 9 from 2-3pm
Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 10-11am​