DePaul Art Museum > Exhibitions > Sonja Thomsen: Glowing Wavelengths In Between

Sonja Thomsen: Glowing Wavelengths In Between

​​May 14 – August 9, 2015


Sonja Thomsen’s photographs and installations create a tangible means to experience the ephemeral qualities of light. Glowing Wavelengths In Between, Thomsen’s latest series, is, in the artist’s words, “a rumination on the very physicality of seeing.” Her work springs from extensive experimentation with optical phenomena and research into philosophical debates regarding the mutability of scientific knowledge. Utilizing an array of materials that refract and reflect light, Thomsen’s artistic practice embraces improvisation and iteration as a means to creative discovery. The resulting pieces—vibrant color photographs, immersive photographic murals, faceted metallic sculptures—shift between direct documentation and destabilizing abstraction, and thereby recalibrate our perceptions of the visible world. Viewing Thomsen’s work is far from a passive experience. Through undulations in scale and manipulations of light, her layered works provoke an acute awareness of light, space, and time.

This exhibition is made possible by the support of Hahnemühle. The exhibition prints were made during a residency at LATITUDE.