Staying home and social distancing are two important ways the DePaul community has supported our country's efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. Faculty and staff have done a tremendous job of moving courses and operations to remote delivery as much as possible.
Almost all university departments and divisions began working remotely on March 16. As the month of April comes to a close, DePaul employees should plan to work from home through at least Friday, June 12.
Previously, the university's remote work measure had no stated end date. We made the decision to extend remote through at least June 12 after considering the need for employees to plan for the near future and state and local public health guidelines. On Thursday, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker extended the state's stay-home order to Saturday, May 30. In addition, Illinois school districts will be closed through the end of the current academic year.
DePaul's new extension of remote work for nearly all faculty and staff is aligned with the end of Spring Quarter. The university will share any additional extension beyond June 12 in advance of that date.
Employees whose duties are considered essential to university operations and cannot be performed at home will continue to report to work. These employees, which include public safety, building and campus operations and animal care personnel, have the immense gratitude and respect of our entire community.
Staff who are classified as non-exempt, paid on an hourly basis, and whose work cannot be handled remotely first are being considered for alternative duties and tasks within their departments.
As we communicated to you earlier, the university will pay the difference between hours worked and employees' regularly scheduled hours through June 30. As the date approaches, the university will re-evaluate the situation to determine how best to proceed.
Thank you for all you are doing to support DePaul and our students during this time. If employees are in need of support, DePaul's COVID-19 Updates and Guidance website details benefits and other resources that are available.