As Spring quarter classes come to a close, DePaul employees should plan to work from home through at least July 17.
The university is following guidance from both the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois that point to a gradual, phased re-opening. As of May 22, the city and state are currently in Phase 2, the “flattening" stage, of the re-opening framework with promising signs of moving forward. While Illinois looks to move to Phase 3, the “recovery" stage, the state guidelines continue to call for tele-work to be strongly encouraged wherever possible.
DePaul is developing timelines and processes that must be in place before additional faculty and staff can resume work on campus with attention being given to the city and state guidelines and phases.
Again, we extend our thanks for all you are doing to support DePaul and our students during this time. If employees are in need of support, DePaul's COVID-19 Updates and Guidance website details benefits and other resources that are available.