DePaul Academic Advising Network > About Us > By-laws


Article I—Name and Acronym

The association will be known as the DePaul Academic Advising Network (DAAN). Its official acronym shall be DAAN.

Article II—Mission

The DePaul Academic Advising Network (DAAN) is the primary organized group of professional academic advisors at DePaul University. The main goal of DAAN is to increase advising effectiveness and provide professional development opportunities by strengthening communication and collaboration among professional academic advisors.

Article III – Vision

DAAN will play an integral role in the processes related to student learning and success at DePaul University.

Article IV—DePaul University's Statement on Academic Advising

Academic Advising at DePaul University helps students achieve their educational, personal, and career goals by providing guidance and assistance in the decision–making process. Academic advising is most effective when all participants anticipate their future needs, commit to the process, do their part, and then reflect on their results. Students should work closely with their advisors to plan workable educational goals, to understand the degree options and requirements, to understand the financial implications of their decisions, to assess their strengths and challenges as scholars, and to clarify realistic career objectives for themselves upon graduation.

Students bear ultimate responsibility for the decisions and actions that determine their academic success at DePaul University.

  • Students will make informed decisions and register for classes on time.
  • Students will obtain the necessary information for course selection and planning in their individualized programs.
  • Students will make and keep appointments with their advisors.
  • Students will communicate honestly and fully in these advising discussions.
  • Students will regularly reflect on the consequences, both academic and financial, of their decisions as they progress in their academic careers toward life choices.

Advisors are responsible for helping students improve their decision-making skills. Advisors guide students through this learning process during regular interactions at key points during their academic careers.

  • Advisors will be available on a regular basis for consultation and encourage students to make and keep regular advising appointments.
  • Advisors will encourage students to consult available material related to their program and career choice.
  • Advisors will encourage students to reflect on the academic and financial consequences of their decisions about degree programs and course-taking plans.
  • Advisors will assist students to set realistic career goals that extend beyond their time at DePaul.
  • Advisors will encourage students to incorporate their basic values and beliefs into their decision making process.

The university is responsible for providing the infrastructure for students, faculty, and staff to support effective advising.

  • The university will provide the information that students and their advisors need to make informed and timely decisions.
  • The university will provide adequate resources of personnel, funding and facilities to support the advising process.
  • The university will clearly communicate to advisors and students the policies and options regarding student financial aid.
  • The university will regularly evaluate the policies and procedures surrounding advising to improve the advising process on an ongoing basis.
  • The university will provide training to help both advisors and students work more effectively together.
  • The university will acknowledge the important contribution advisors make by recognizing advising within the institutional reward system.

Article V—Association with the National Academic Advising Association

It is DAAN’s intent to become an allied member of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) and support the goals and programs of NACADA.

Article VI—Membership

Section 1—Equal Opportunity
Membership in DAAN and opportunities for leadership shall be open to all individuals. There shall be no discrimination for reasons of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, veteran status, or physical ability.

Section 2—Types of Membership
A. Regular Membership shall be open to all professional academic advisors at DePaul University. These individuals shall be eligible to vote, hold office, attend meetings, and participate in professional activities of DAAN.

B. Affiliate Membership shall be available to all student support personnel, faculty advisors, administrators, counselors, graduate assistants, interns and other members of the university community who are interested in academic advising. These individuals will enjoy all the right and privileges of membership, except they may not vote or hold office.

Article VII—Meetings of the Membership

At a minimum the membership shall meet quarterly at a date and time determined by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called, when necessary, by the Steering Committee.

Article VIII—Officers

Section 1—Composition and Tenure
The officers of DAAN shall consist of the following positions: President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Each officer shall serve a term of two years beginning September 1st. The President and Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected in even years, the Vice President in odd years.

Section 2—Selection
Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Nominations shall be solicited for two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting and additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. The nominee receiving a simple majority of the votes for each office shall be elected. To ensure proper representation, the President and Vice-President positions may not be filled by members of the same academic unit.

Section 3—Duties and Responsibilities
In addition to these duties and responsibilities, all Executive Board members shall be a liaison to standing committees as determined at the onset of each academic year.

A. President—Two-year term—Elected in even years—Provides leadership and guidance for DAAN, standing committees and the steering committee. Serves as a liaison to the university community with regular participation on the Advising Manager’s Board.

B. Vice President – Two-year term – Elected in odd years – Works in cooperation with the President and represents the President when s/he is unavailable. Additionally, liaises with Academic Affairs as the DAAN representative for the annual Gerald Paetsch Academic Advising Award nomination and award processes, coordinating the staff and faculty nominations for the award selection committee.

C. Secretary/Treasurer—Two-year term—Elected in even years—Duties include recording and maintaining minutes from all meetings, requesting room reservations and any special requirements for meetings; keeping and maintaining membership and address lists; maintaining the DAAN website/wiki and assisting the President with correspondence and meeting announcements; minimal responsibilities as Treasurer, including budget management.

Section 4—Removal
Officers may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the association.

Section 5—Interim Officers
In the event of a vacancy, the Steering committee shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting.

Article IX—Steering Committee

Section 1—Composition and Tenure
The Steering Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers, 2 regular members (one whose primary location is LPC and the other whose primary location is Loop), and 2 affiliate members (one whose primary location is LPC and the other whose primary location is Loop). Meets at least quarterly and assists in planning and organizing DAAN activities.

Section 2—Duties and Responsibilities
The Steering Committee shall have full authority over the affairs of DAAN between its meetings, shall represent DAAN to the university community, shall make recommendations to the association, shall perform duties as stated in the by-laws, and shall act as directed by the association.

The Steering Committee (SC) shall:

  • be responsible for the meetings of the association.
  • supervise the activities of standing or ad hoc committees, if any such committees form.
  • prepare and submit an annual budget for approval by the membership at the Annual Meeting, if funds become available to the association.
  • prepare and submit an annual report at the Annual Meeting

Article X—Standing Committees

Section 1—Membership
Membership on standing committees shall be open to all members of DAAN. Members may join a standing committee by voicing their interest to the chair of the committee or to any member of the Steering Committee. A standing committee member may remain as long as they are a regular member in good standing or until they resign from the committee.

Section 2—Chairpersons
The chairpersons of the standing committees shall be elected from among the regular membership at the Annual Meeting. If a chairperson is not elected at the Annual Meeting, the Steering Committee shall appoint a chair. Each chairperson shall serve a two-year term.

Section 3—Duties
Each standing committee shall prepare an annual budget, should funding become available, and an annual report to be submitted to the Steering Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. Each standing committee will be responsible for fulfilling the purposes of the committee.

Article XI—Ad-Hoc Committees

At the recommendation of any regular member of DAAN, an Ad-Hoc Committee proposal can be brought to the entire regular DAAN membership for a vote.

Section 1—Membership
Membership on ad hoc committees shall be open to all members of DAAN. Members may join an ad hoc committee by voicing their interest to the chair of the committee or to any member of the Steering Committee. An ad hoc committee member may remain as long as they are a regular member in good standing, until they resign from the committee, or until the dissolution of the committee.

Section 2—Chairpersons
The chairpersons of the ad hoc committees shall be elected from among the regular membership. If a chairperson is not elected, the Steering Committee shall appoint a chair. Each chairperson shall serve a two-year term or until the dissolution of the committee, whichever comes first. 5

Article XII—Amendments to By-Laws

Any regular member in good standing may submit a proposed amendment to these by-laws to a member of the Steering Committee. It must be in writing and signed by five regular members of DAAN. Upon affirmative vote of a majority of the Steering committee, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership for a vote. The by-laws shall be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all votes received from the membership following two weeks written notice of the proposed amendment(s).

Article XIII- Goals and Learning Outcomes

The Steering Committee will create goals and learning outcomes for the organization, which are reflective of DAAN’s mission and further define the purpose and scope of DAAN. These goals and learning outcomes will be reviewed every five years, starting 2020.

Last revised: June 13, 2014​