Document Services > Forms > Paper Sale Form

Paper Sale Form

Smart Form Standard Web Part 2 - Custom forms made easy. Learn more at  Smart Form Standard Web Part 2

Please understand that paper price can change.  Please contact Document Services for the current cost for paper.  This form is for the purchase of paper for your office devises not supported by Document Services, or if your copier did not qualify for the standard paper delivery.  Before you complete this form please confirm with Document Services if you qualify for paper, at no additional cost for your copier.  If you use FUND 500 you will need to respond to a e-mail from Document Services to verify avaliable funds in the special Project Grant Account.



Thank you for this paper order.  Please understand that there is a form limitation that requires you to complete a form for each paper delivery point.  Document Services is unable to process a paper sale request if you request more than one delivery point per form.  To properly complete this form you will need to provide the delivery address and room number that you want the paper to be delivered to, please do not provide a copier location number in the “Building Address” or Room Number” fields.  The chart field must also be an actual Cost Center chart field account, if you are unsure what the Cost Center account is please see your Budget Manager to secure this before you submit the request.  We apologize for any inconvenience that the limitations of the form may cause and Document Services is researching ways to allow our customer to submit a single form for more than one delivery point.  


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