DePaul University Esports > Events > Esports Awards > 2021-2022
Esports Awards 2021-2022
Main Content
Student Leader Awards
Most Valuable Player Awards
Albert Luna
Valorant Academy
Andrew Hiss
Valorant Academy
Angel Rivera
CS:GO Varsity
Bobby Nieves
Smash Varsity
Casey Peterson
Valorant Varsity
Chris Cordoba
Overwatch Varsity
Joel Alvarez
League of Legends Varsity
Jozef Tokarczyk
League of Legends Jade
Kevin Forbes
League of Legends Ruby
Kevin Forbes
League of Legends Ruby
Lauren Jang
League of Legends Amber
Maaz Haider
Smash Varsity
Michael Venit
Call of Duty Varsity
Ricky Soto
R6 Varsity
Robert Vega
Smash Junior Varsity
Ross Chapman
Overwatch Black
Ryan Ayers
League of Legends Varsity
Sean Casey
Rocket League Junior Varsity
Exemplary Community Member Awards
Aaron Ho
League of Legends
Kevin Donnelly
Layne Norris
Rocket League
Matt Buerckholtz
Peyton Gatza
Richard Santos
R6 Siege
Tim Komperda
Tito Protasio