From Dec. 1 – 3, DePaul will host the seventh annual Cyber Risk Conference. All faculty, staff and students are welcome to purchase tickets for the virtual three-day event.The advent of a global pandemic in 2020 has forced nearly all businesses to move abruptly online. This has created enormous challenges for managing cyber risk. DePaul's 2020 Cyber Risk Conference will cover this topic.
Over three days, keynote speakers and panels will address emerging threats, privacy issues, technical shields, insurance coverage options and pre- and post-incident strategies as our work-spaces leave the more secure traditional office into more remote and potentially unsecured environments.
Tuesday, Dec. 1: CISOs perspective on the abrupt shift to an all-remote workforce. Keynote speaker: Arlan McMillan of CISO, Kirkland & Ellis, LLP
Wednesday, Dec. 2: Legal and insurance issues in the new environment. Keynote speaker: Orin Kerr, professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley
Thursday, Dec. 3: Tabletop exercise - response of hypothetical health insurer to abrupt shift to all-remote workforce, pre- and post-incident. Keynote speaker: Kall Loper, SVP Incident Response; and Digital Forensics, Protiviti
Cybersecurity in an Officeless World: Seventh Annual Cyber Risk Conference
Tuesday, Dec. 1 – Thursday, Dec. 3
10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Purchase tickets