Cell Press recently named Stephanie Dance-Barnes, dean for the College of Health and Science, and Derek Griffith, a clinical community psychology doctoral program alumnus, on its list of “1, 000 Inspiring Black Scientists in America."Created by Cell Press' community of scholars, the list aims to highlight Black scientists who are champions of change and purpose, and to “dismantle the myth that outstanding Black scientists make up a small percentage of the scientific community."
An expert in cancer biology and a leader in higher education, Dance-Barnes' research utilizes genomics, genetics, cell culture and animal models to decipher the underlying biology of the molecular subtypes of breast cancer. She then uses this biological information to develop therapies specifically targeted against distinct subtypes of breast cancer. Her cancer research focuses primarily on triple negative breast cancer, a molecularly heterogeneous disease whose incidence is disproportionately higher in African American women.
Griffith is an alumnus of DePaul's clinical community psychology doctoral program and the founding director of the Institute for Research on Men's Health at Vanderbilt University. He is trained in clinical-community psychology and public health, and his research focuses on social, economic and political influences on men's health, and racial and ethnic health disparities.
Cell Press publishes more than 50 scientific journals across the life, physical, earth and health sciences, both independently and in partnership with scientific societies. The organization aims to inspire future directions in research by nurturing and supporting scholars and practitioners in all scientific disciplines.