New DePaul students in Discover Chicago classes gather for a barbecue on the Lincoln Park Campus Quad last August to start the Chicago Quarter Immersion Week. (DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
The Office of New Student and Family Engagement is recruiting Chicago Quarter staff professionals for the fall quarter.
Chicago Quarter classes are a unique opportunity for first-year students to gain invaluable experience from a teaching team (faculty member, a university staff member or graduate student, and undergraduate peer mentor). You may have seen Discover classes traversing the city during Immersion Week or groups of first-years exploring the city with their Explore classes during fall quarter.
Staff professionals provide an essential service to the Chicago Quarter program, supporting incoming students as a firsthand resource while they transition to DePaul and navigate their first few months in college.
Staff professionals come from all over the university. Learn more about this fun and worthwhile opportunity by attending an online, one-hour information session at 11 a.m. Thursday. Another session is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29, at 12 p.m.
Questions? Contact Michelle Maurer or call the Office of New Student and Family Engagement at 773-325-7360.