Urgent times demand urgent action. Please join the DePaul community in a TEACH IN on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020 to address and discuss racism and the violence that has been occurring in Chicago, Kenosha and other American cities. Presentations will also touch on themes from the Black Lives Matter Movement, American democracy and issues of social justice more broadly.
A group of DePaul faculty from diverse disciplines will make presentations and host discussions to provide a space to better understand and reflect on these urgent issues as we begin a new academic year and approach the Nov. 3 election.
All members of the DePaul community are invited to participate. Zoom links will be made available for each individual session. Contact Professor Matthew Girson with any questions or concerns.
DePaul Teach In
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Location: Zoom (Individual links will be provided for each session.)
Presenters and Schedule:
9:30 a.m. Matthew Girson (Art): The Fall, The Fell: Contemporary Art and Social Justice in America: Summer 2020
Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/92254608313?pwd=Nk5PaGRmcjR5d2d2YmYwVm5HeUgzZz09
Password: 383737
10:30 a.m. Amy Clark (Early Childhood Education): Anti-Black Violence in Early Childhood Education Settings
Password: 531818
11:00 a.m. Traci Schlesinger (Sociology): Abolition as a Practice: Creating a World Free of Criminalization & Punishment
Password: 888323
11:30 a.m. Chernoh Sesay (Religious Studies): Ritual, Racism, and Democracy: Then and Now
Password: 302398
12:00 p.m. Marcy Dinius (English): Viral Circulation with Long-Lasting Effects: David Walker's Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World
1:00 p.m. Bibiana Suarez (Art): Constructing and Visualizing Race
Password: 255030
1:30 p.m. Christina Rivers (Political Science): Get in the Habit! The Importance of the Young Adult Vote, Especially in Time of Crisis
Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/7974162076?pwd=cmtBSmxkUnJ2MkFxSG9yQXFid2ZzQT09
2:00 p.m. Mark DeLancey (History of Art and Architecture): Beyond the European Canon in Art History
Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/94483509709?pwd=a2hPRFNTZmZGSEQ0UjJNWm9IbW9kdz09
2:30 p.m. Tom Mondschean (Economics): Economic Differences in U.S. Households: A Racial Comparison
Password: 289674
3:00 p.m. Jeff Carter (Art): Objects of Contention
Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/97632240712?pwd=QkYrTU4vK1o0aVc5MzNhVWZQOXdNUT09
3:30 p.m. Michael Lewanski (Music): New Music and New Noises: Change is Possible
Password: 970605
4:00 p.m. Ann Russo (Women and Gender Studies): Feminism and Transformative Justice as Paths to Police/Prison Abolition
Password: 416237
5:00 p.m. Margaret Storey (History): Policing and Jim Crow: A Black Woman's Memory
Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/96453434937
5:30 p.m. Winifred Curran (Geography): The Geography of Gentrification
Password: 245862
6:00 p.m. Caroline Kisiel (SCPS): Did Black Lives Matter in Early Illinois? Re-evaluating the “Free State" of Illinois Through One Frontier Community
Password: 229410
7:00 p.m. Open Forum
Password: 445195
This Teach In has been organized by members of the DePaul faculty to serve as an educational forum for
the entire DePaul community.
Each presenter has established their own Zoom session so they can manage their presentation and any
Matthew Girson is a professor in The Art School in DePaul's College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.