(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
The temporary closure of restaurants in Illinois will not affect the availability of dining services for students at DePaul. In response to federal, state and local governance and to ensure the health and safety of the entire DePaul campus community, Chartwells is doing the following:Dining Operations
- Eliminated self-service and implemented a full-service model
- Replaced bulk condiments with individual packets
- Replaced salt and pepper shakers with packets at each station
- Utilizing more pre-packaged food, such as individual milk containers, bottled water and individual boxes of cereal
- Not allowing customers to fill their personal reusable beverage bottles
- Using disposable plates, silverware and beverage containers
- Dedicating additional personnel to wash, sanitize and disinfect all surfaces, including equipment, tables, chairs, spouts, handles and other high-touch surfaces
- Encouraging mobile ordering when possible
Health and Safety
- Continued reinforcement that managers and staff should stay home if they don't feel healthy
- Updated on-site hygiene posters and handwashing signs
- Reinforced proper handwashing techniques among all managers and staff
- Reinforced cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting protocols in all dining venues
- Ensured adequate supplies of hand sanitizers and disinfectants
- Reinforced food safety and HACCP standards
Chartwells sources its food items from domestic manufacturers and does not anticipate any interruption at this time.
Keeping everyone within the campus community safe and healthy is the top priority. Chartwells will try to minimize service disruptions, as the university continues to adjust to new federal, state and local guidelines.
For continued updates about DePaul's COVID-19 response, visit go.depaul.edu/covid.