(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)As the university continues to make contingency plans in the event of a disruption to business operations due to concerns regarding COVID-19, the university's Payroll Services strongly encourages employees who receive their paychecks through the mail to elect to receive their pay via direct deposit. Direct deposit of pay is not subject to the delays, errors, or other issues that can occur with traditional mail distribution.
Instructions for setting up direct deposit are on the Financial Affairs website: https://financialaffairs.depaul.edu/docs/Direct_Deposit_Info_Sheet.pdf
Employees will begin receiving paychecks deposited in the account or accounts of their choice soon after making the election. Employees who enroll no later than noon on the Wednesday preceding payday will receive a paycheck deposited in their account that Friday. If the election for direct deposit is made after noon on the Wednesday preceding payday, the paycheck will be sent in the mail as usual; in the following pay period, the paycheck will be deposited in the employee's account.
If you need assistance completing the instructions or have questions, please contact Payroll Services at (312) 362-8692 or payroll@depaul.edu.