Information Services is currently in the process of upgrading the DePaul
Exchange email system, used by all employees, to Exchange 2016. The upgrade process, which will involve the migration of mailboxes from the old system to the new system, will be ongoing over the next several months.
Each employee at DePaul will receive an email alert prior to any work that will affect the email accounts they access - resource mailboxes or their personal email account. The first stage of this upgrade will be to move resource mailboxes to the new version. The second stage of this upgrade will be to move all user mailboxes to the new version.
Due to the large size of DePaul's Exchange environment, user mailbox moves will take several months to complete. This should not have a heavy impact on users. Emails will continue to be delivered during these migrations and no emails or mailbox data will be lost as a result of the upgrade process.
More detailed instructions and a description of what to expect will be sent to users on the day their mailbox is migrated. You can read more information about changes and improvements with Exchange 2016 on the Information Services website. If you have any questions, or experience any problems, please contact the TSC at (312) 362-8765.