DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > Papadopoulos receives Excellence in Teaching Award
Papadopoulos receives national Excellence in Teaching Award
By Maria Toscano /
February 28, 2019 /
Posted in: DEBUZZ /
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Urban and political geographer, Alex Papadopoulos, has been awarded the national Harm J. Blij Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Geography Teaching. The honor is presented by the American Association of Geographers and is considered to be the most prestigious teaching award in the discipline. The annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in teaching undergraduate Geography including the use of innovative teaching methods. “I am truly honored to receive the AAG’s teaching award. I would never forget how much I learned about teaching from many extraordinary educators: classicist Paul Rahe and urban geographer Michael P. Conzen, among them. I think of them and their wise counsel often,” Papadopoulos says. A Vincent de Paul professor since 2005, Papadopoulos studies the political constestation of urban space in Europe and the United States. His research extends beyond the study of urban spatiality to works on state and identity formations, and international security in Southeastern Europe. He will be presented the Blij Award at the American Association of Geographers annual meeting to be held April 3-7, 2019 in Washington, D.C.