Gregory Moorehead, DePaul’s director for the Center for Students with Disabilities, will serve on the Disability Services Advisory Committee for the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Moorehead has 15 years of experience working in student disability service and will join other disability providers and experts from institutions around the state.
The committee aims to inform and advise IBHE on how best to serve and support students with disabilities. For Moorehead, the opportunity to be a part of the committee is an excellent example of how DePaul seeks to improve itself and help others.
“I will be there to share what we do at DePaul, what we have learned,” Moorehead says. “I also am open to the fact we don’t have all the solutions. There always is room for improvement, and I think it is important for the DePaul community to know we are at the table to discuss how to improve opportunities for students with a varying range of disabilities.”
The IBHE seeks to recognize and serve the needs of higher educational institutions in the state of Illinois. By analyzing data on how to best serve higher education, the IBHE modifies policies that influence and guide the state’s higher institutions.