(DePaul University/Jamie Moncrief)DePaul is set to host a number of events across campus in celebration of St. Vincent de Paul Heritage Week. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to register for two signature events:
What Must Be Done to Confront Global Homelessness
Wednesday, Sept. 22
11:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park Student Center, room 120 A/B
To kick off Heritage Week, the DePaul community can attend this luncheon to discuss the questions: What must be done to confront global homelessness? How can we better see the problem and advocate for justice? What concrete steps can we take today as we seek a world where everyone has a stake in their community and a place to call home?
Following opening remarks by Fr. Memo Campuzano, C.M., the panel will feature leading experts from two Vincentian organizations at the forefront of the movement to engage with these questions—FamVin Homeless Alliance and the Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness.
St. Vincent de Paul Prayer Breakfast
Friday, Sept. 24
8:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park Student Center, room 120 A/B
An annual tradition, the St. Vincent de Paul Prayer Breakfast invites the campus community to pause and reflect on St. Vincent, the namesake of our university, and his rich legacy as it is lived out today.
Darryl Arrington, assistant vice president of the Center for Access and Attainment, will serve as this year's keynote speaker.