Throughout the world, Holy Week begins for Christians who prepare to ponder the suffering and death of Jesus Christ and readying themselves for the joy of his resurrection Easter Sunday.
This Good Friday and Easter Sunday will have a different meaning for Christians as people witness and experience the profound suffering of persons close to them and around the globe. As Holy Week begins for Christians under these most unusual circumstances, let us stand firm in our faith, filled with hope and trusting in God’s all-encompassing love, goodness and mercy for every person.
The entire DePaul campus community is welcome to attend the following virtual events this Holy Week.
Tuesday, April 7
7 p.m.
Communal prayer - Rosary
Tuesday, April 7
8 p.m.
A Mid-week DePaul community prayer
Wednesday, April 8
9:05 a.m.
Interfaith reflection and prayer
Thursday, April 9
5 p.m.
Evening Mass of the Lord's SupperThursday, April 97:30 - 9 p.m.
Good Friday Passion of the Lord
Friday, April 10
3 p.m.
Easter Sunday MassSunday, April 1210 a.m.
Visit the St. Vincent de Paul Parish Church
Facebook page for more information about Holy Week events.