(Image courtesy of the Department of Modern Languages)
"Mille-Feuille," DePaul’s French literary magazine, is accepting submissions for its upcoming edition. All faculty, staff and students are welcome to submit poetry, short fiction and essays in French by Saturday, Feb. 1.
Sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Department of Modern Languages, the Study Abroad Office and Student Life at DePaul, the magazine is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. "Mille-Feuille" is published in French and is produced by DePaul students enrolled in third-year French.
Submissions should be sent to Pascale-Anne Brault. Writer’s names should not appear on the work. Name, address, phone number email and title of the piece should be included in the email submission. Participants will receive a free issue of the magazine near the end of March.