Left to right: Students John Cotter, Karoline Bacewicz, Ty Yamamoto, Abbas Dahodwala and Halle Wagner celebrated Radio DePaul's wins at the 2020 IBS conference in New York City. (Image courtesy of Ty Yamamoto)
Earlier this month, Radio DePaul, the university's student-run radio station, won several awards at the 2020 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Media Awards.During the weekend conference, Radio DePaul took home awards for Best College Station in the Nation, Best Political News Coverage, Best Men's B-Ball Play-by-Play and Best Streaming Station.
“This is the first time in 10 years Radio DePaul has won Best College Station," says Ty Yamamoto, general manager for Radio DePaul. “We are excited to be able to take these big wins home to the DePaul community."