DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > Saint Frances Director and Producers Wins 2019 SXSW Awards

DePaul alum, faculty win at 2019 SXSW film festival

DePaul faculty and alumna win film awards
Stars of the movie "Saint Frances, Kelly O' Sullivan, left, and Ramona Edith Williams, celebrate with director and DePaul alum Alex Thompson. The film won awards at the 2019 SXSW Film Festival. (Image courtesy of SXSW)
The film, "Saint Frances," directed by Alex Thompson, a 2017 graduate of the College of Computing and Digital Media, and produced by James Choi and Raphael Nash, School of Cinematic Arts faculty, was among the winners at the 2019 South by Southwest Conference and Festivals held in March.​

At the 26th SXSW Film Festival Awards, "Saint Frances" received the Special Jury Recognition for Breakthrough Voice in the Narrative Feature Competition "for its realness and diverse vision." SXSW officials announced, "This film tackled complex issues about family, politics, religion and women's lives with a light touch that never felt preachy." The movie was also named a 2019 SXSW Film Festival Audience Award Winner."

"Saint Frances," tells the story of Bridget, a 30-something insecure woman, who is living a rather unfulfilled life until she becomes the nanny of a precocious six-year old named Frances, the daughter of Maya and Annie. Their relationship evolves and Frances moves Bridget to reevaluate her idea of family.