From Feb. 25 to March 1, the Office of Student Involvement will host DePaul's 2019 Gnome Hunt. Departments and student organizations across campus are invited to take part and decorate gnomes for the second annual scavenger hunt. The priority deadline for student organizations and departments across campus
to adopt a gnome is Thursday, Feb. 7.
After the gnomes are adopted, decorated and named, they will be hidden across the Lincoln Park and Loop Campuses for students to find. Students who find gnomes will return them to the Office of Student Involvement for prizes.
During the Gnome Hunt, organizations and departments will receive social media exposure via the Office of Student Involvement and Chartwells social media accounts and will have the chance to compete in OSI's social media contest. Produce a creative backstory for your gnome and post it to your social media with #gnomehunt2019. The winning group will receive a prize and additional exposure on our social media accounts. The winning gnome will be chosen Friday, Feb. 22nd at 1 p.m.