DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > University accepting nominations for Staff Quality Service Awards

University accepting nominations for Staff Quality Service Awards

University accepting nominations for Staff Quality Service Awards
The university is now accepting nominations for the Staff Quality Service Awards. This annual award honors staff members whose service to DePaul represents the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. Nominations should be based on performance in an officially recognized staff capacity for the present fiscal year.  

Submissions are due electronically to University Marketing and Communications by Friday, June 18 at 5 p.m. These should be directed to the attention of Melissa Grady at

The nomination packet submitted by the supervisor must contain:

  • Written endorsement by the supervisor.
  • Written endorsement by two colleagues, one of whom serves in a peer capacity.
  • Evidence of quality service performed over a period of time. This may include a description of service such as the level of innovation, the degree of initiative required, collaboration or institutional impact, especially on students.
  • Although consistent quality performance is given weight, this is not a lifetime achievement award.
  • Consideration should be given as to how the individual's service enhances a university initiative by promoting collaboration and teamwork to support the DePaul's mission.
  • Supporting materials (emails, letters of commendation, documented outcomes [i.e., cost savings, operational efficiencies])
​Recipients will receive their awards at the annual Academic Convocation in the fall.  Recipients must still be employed at the time of Convocation to receive their awards.