DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > Wifi update 2019

University to retire depaulsecure WiFi network

Information Commons in the DePaul Library
(DePaul University/Jeff Carrion)
DePaul will retire the ‘depaulsecure’ WiFi network on Friday, Feb. 1. If you have a device connecting to this network you must migrate it to the Eduroam WiFi network before this date to avoid losing network access. 

To configure your device to connect to Eduroam, open a web browser on your device and navigate to https://wifisetup.depaul.eduThis URL will redirect you to a cloud-based WiFi configuration tool hosted by our vendor, SecureW2. After following the on-screen directions, you will be connected to the Eduroam network. Additional instructions for device setup are also provided at the following link:

The Technology Service Center and walkup Genius Squad locations are available to help you connect your devices or determine device compatibility if issues are encountered. You can contact the TSC for help at 312-362-8765 or