Online elections are open until Oct. 16 for adjunct faculty to select several members of the Workplace Environment Committee.
Voting instructions can be found in a message sent to adjunct faculty by the deans of each school or college with a competitive election.
The WEC is charged by the provost to hear, report, and suggest resolutions to Academic Affairs regarding workplace issues affecting the lives of adjunct faculty members across the university, except for issues of academic policy and governance, which fall under the purview of Faculty Council and its Committee on Contingent Faculty. The advisory body, reporting to the provost, includes 14 adjunct faculty members who have been elected by peers in their schools or colleges.
Each year, the WEC hosts or co-hosts a number of events for adjunct faculty members, such as a
fall quarter resource fair, which will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Other WEC events include a winter quarter meet and greet on each campus, and a spring quarter Adjunct and Term Faculty Reception.
Because the WEC elections in the College of Computing and Digital Media and the College of Science and Health are uncontested, this year’s run-offs will be held only in the Driehaus College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the College of Law and The Theatre School. The College of Education, College of Communication, School of Music, and School of Continuing and Professional Studies will not have elections this year because its members were elected to two-year terms last fall.