DePaul University Newsline > Sections > DeBuzz > Faculty invited to learn about research, development alliance with RFUMS

Faculty invited to learn about research, development alliance with RFUMS

Science lab
(Pexels/Martin Lopez)

A new research and development alliance between DePaul and Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science aims to leverage two fast moving trends -- artificial intelligence, and biomedical discovery and healthcare. This summer, the alliance launched a new collaborative research grant program.  

The goals of this joint initiative are to fund inter-institutional collaborative research projects between DePaul and RFUMS investigators that: 
  • Result in high-impact peer reviewed publications;  
  • “Seed” larger, long-term extramural funding by federal or private granting agencies for new collaborative research between the two institutions;  
  • And stimulate technology transfer and commercialization arising from collaborative research.   
Faculty are invited to join DePaul and RFU colleagues at “Lunch & Learn: DePaul and RFUMS Collaboration for AI in Biomedical Discovery and Healthcare.” Set for Sept. 16, attendees will enjoy lunch and conversation, and discuss collaboration to identify future research and funding opportunities.  

DePaul and RFUMS Collaboration for AI in Biomedical Discovery and Healthcare 
Friday, Sept. 16 
11:45 a.m. 
Lincoln Park Student Center, room 120 
RSVP by Sept. 12 

Read more about the grant program in Newsline and via the request for proposals.