DePaul’s Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology Program is under review for candidacy accreditation by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.
A public meeting is scheduled for Jan. 28 from 4:30-5 p.m., where stakeholders are welcome to offer questions, comments and concerns regarding the national candidacy accreditation status of DePaul’s Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology program. Due to the restrictions of COVID-19, the meeting will be held in Zoom format instead of on campus.
Standards for national candidacy accreditation are available for review by the following options:
- Mail a request to the Accreditation Office at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850.
- Email comments/questions to accreditation@asha.org.
- Phone the action center of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association at 1-800-498-2071.
- Download materials.
DePaul invites all interested parties, including alumni, students and clinical supervisors, to participate either by attending the Zoom meeting or by formally submitting written comments to the CAA in advance of the meeting. According to the
CAA Accreditation Handbook, comments provided must:
- Relate to a program’s compliance with the published Standards for Candidacy Accreditation of Graduate Education Programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in effect at the time comments are submitted.
- Identify the specific program seeking candidacy, initial accreditation or reaccreditation with the CAA.
DePaul University CAA #354 comments about education programs are due in the accreditation office no later than 15 days before the first day of the scheduled site visit, which is Jan. 13.
Comments should be submitted to:
Accreditation Public Comment
Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2200 Research Boulevard, #310
Rockville, MD 20850
RSVPs are required by Jan. 18
to attend the public meeting on Jan. 28. For additional information or to RSVP by email, contact the program’s founding director,
Jayne Jaskolski. Include your name, email address and phone number. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the event.