For the vast majority of people, the true joy in celebrating the holidays comes through the gatherings of family and friends. For many, however, and especially today, being with people for whom we care and who care for us is not possible.
We have an opportunity to brighten the season for some by sending holiday notes to seniors in nursing homes in our community.
The Acts of Loving Kindness prompt two weeks ago invited the DePaul community to join the Office of Student Involvement in gathering 1,000 cards to be delivered to nursing homes in Chicago. Many requested cards and have already begun sending them back to OSI so that staff can will deliver sacks full of cards. If you requested resources from OSI, please be reminded to send the cards back to OSI by Dec. 11. If you did not request a card from OSI, you can still share joy by writing a note in a holiday card and sending it directly to a care center in your community.
Take a few moments and bring some holiday spirit to a senior whose only joy may come in the community that you help them build through your kindness.
See more Acts of Loving Kindness is Newsline.