All graduates, their guests and faculty are invited to attend the Baccalaureate Mass, a Mass of Thanksgiving for God's many blessings on DePaul's graduates.
The Mass will be held at 4 p.m. on June 8 at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 1010 W. Webster Ave.
This cherished annual event often fills up quickly. Graduating students should RSVP to attend soon on the
DePaul Commencement website. Registration will close once the number of people who have signed up reaches the maximum capacity of the church.
Seating inside the church will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
A reception at the Lincoln Park Student Center, 2250 N. Sheffield Ave., will follow the Mass for all graduates and their guests.
GradImages will be available to take photos of graduates with academic regalia, family and friends.
Other news:
Graduating Students and Faculty: Prepare for Wintrust Arena's Bag Policy
Graduating students, their guests and faculty who plan to attend commencement should review Wintrust Arena's
strict bag and purse policy well in advance of commencement day. Anyone carrying a bag or purse that does not comply with the policy will not be allowed inside. In addition, bag check will not be available.
Cap and Gown Ordering Closes Tomorrow, April 27
To give students more time to indicate their plans to attend commencement, the deadline to order a cap and gown for June commencement ceremonies has been extended to Friday, April 27. The ordering deadline for Law was March 12.
If students have not already done so, they can order online or at the DePaul Loop Bookstore or DePaul Lincoln Park Bookstore.