Parking & Shuttle Services > FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

If your car was parked in a University parking lot and was towed contact Rendered Towing (773) 878-1111, 2019 W Rascher Ave. Any vehicle not displaying an authorized license plate because they purchased a permit is subject to tow. If you were parked on a city street, contact 311 for assistance.

Contact Public Safety at (773) 325-7777 to have a report done.

Update your vehicle information with Parking Services. If you park your vehicle in the parking lots you risk being towed.

Contact Parking Services at (773) 325-7275 or They can check to see if the problem is with your ID or the reader.

Go to the Parking Services office to complete a Lost/Stolen Access Card form. The cost for an access card replacement is $15.00. If a new DePaul ID is required, please contact ID Services office for a replacement.

Those who have paid in full should see the Refund Schedule. Those with a payroll deduction should contact Parking Services at (773) 325-7275 or Refunds MUST be submitted via Refund Request Form or in person at the Parking office. We will NOT grant any refunds after the final refund date or for prior permit years. 

Parking Services MUST coordinate any valet service required by a department. Please contact Parking Services at (773) 325-7275 or

Yes, we have stations located at the Clifton garage and the School of Music garage.