Mail addressed to countries outside of the United States must include
a complete address , including name, house number, street address or box number, city, province, postal code (if known), country, and in some cases the recipient's phone number. The last item shown in the address must be the country name - in capital letters and not abbreviated.
Addresses written in Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, or Chinese must be interlined with an English translation of the destination, post office, province and country. It is recommended that addresses written in all other languages also include an English translation of the destination country.
All international packages require our international shipping form, click here.
International rates and regulations vary widely from country to country.
The types of rates available are described below:
- First Class Mail International - Letters and letter packages weighing up to 4 pounds.
- Priority Mail International - up to 70 pounds and 6-10 business days for delivery.
- Express Mail International - 3-5 business days for delivery.
- Global Express Mail Guaranteed - 1-3 business days.
When mailing international pieces (not letter size), please indicate what is inside the piece and the anticipated arrival date. Print & Mailing Services can then determine the most economical method of mailing.
International FedEx shipping is also available. Please contact our office if you would like to explore this option.