The purpose of the Mass Care Annex is to manage, direct and control University resources to facilitate the provision of essential life support needs of students and personnel in the event of a major campus emergency.
In the event of a mass care event, Housing and Residence Life and Student Affairs shall assume primary control for the purpose of ensuring that the essential life support needs of residents displaced from their homes are met, as set forth in the Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place Annex (2.3) and Health and Medical Annex (2.5). In addition, the University will coordinate with local authorities and follow the directives of emergency medical providers to ensure that essential medical care is available.
Upon the declaration of a major campus emergency, the Incident Commander shall assign an employee of the Public Safety Office to act as the mass care representative to report to the EOC. The mass care representative will also coordinate with the Public Information Officer to ensure timely and accurate press releases.