First-Year Academic Success > Program Overview > For Parents

For Parents


Does your student have an interest in taking a FYAS course?  We have answered ​FAQs below. Have more questions? Contact us at

All students at DePaul University are required to demonstrate competency in math.  The level of competency depends upon the student's major.  The FYAS Program is designed to help students move more quickly through prerequisite math and writing courses during the summer, tuition free, to increase the  likelihood of graduating in four years. Courses are offered during both summer sessions, and students can participate in one or both sessions.

FYAS participants are able to begin taking their math prerequisites sooner.  Students who might struggle with math also have a variety of support available each session, including faculty reviews and lectures, Supplemental Instruction support from peers, Faculty and student mentor supported success labs, and one-on-one tutoring.

FYAS courses are tuition-free, though there are costs associated with the program. Students are required to purchase an online learning software (the course text) and arrange for transportation to/from campus. Financial assistance is available to purchase the online learning software and/or CTA transportation. More information is included here, and/or you can email for more information. Requests are reviewed by DePaul's Financial Aid office and students are notified by FYAS. 

Students save tuition and financial aid dollars by completing courses over summer, tuition-free. After successful completion of a FYAS course, they can begin enrolling in courses required for their major sooner, increasing the likelihood of graduating in four years. Bachelor of Science majors may not be able to use developmental math  courses to fulfill degree requirements if they wait to take these courses for credit.

In addition to enhancing skills in math and writing, FYAS students are supported during their transition to college and throughout their first-year at DePaul by the FYAS team and are introduced to campus support resources and offices. FYAS students also start building their DePaul support network and making connections with classmates, professors and staff, prior to the start of the Fall quarter.

Most Bachelor of Arts (BA) majors are required to demonstrate competency at the MAT/FYSM 100 (Intro to Quantitative Reasoning) level before enrolling in MAT 120. The "Path To Math" for most BA majors is:

MAT/FYSM 100 (Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning)      

MAT 120 Quantitative Reasoning (formerly LSP 120: Quantitative Reasoning and Technological Literacy I)


Most Bachelor of Science (BS) majors are required to complete a sequence of Calculus or Discrete math courses, and are required to demonstrate competency at the MAT/FYSM 130 Functionas and Mathematical Models (formerly Precalculus) level before enrolling in any major field courses.  The “Path To Math” for most BS majors is:

MAT/FYSM 095 (Introductory Algebra)        

MAT/FYSM 101 (Intermediate Algebra)  

MAT/FYSM 130 (Functions and Mathematical Models formerly Precalculus)        

Additional math courses (See Path To Math to determine which additional math courses are required for each major).

Participation is not required. Students who do not participate in our summer FYAS program can complete math courses in the Autumn Quarter.  The courses will be credit-bearing and full tuition will be charged.

Yes. For students in online courses, it is expected that you keep pace with the weekly assignment deadlines of your course and log in often to complete your assignments. For students in on-campus courses, it is expected that students attend each class meeting; however, students are permitted to miss two classes. Ideally, one absence will be used to attend one day of the two-day mandatory New Student Orientation (Premiere DePaul).

Tutoring is available to students during both Summer Sessions and Winter Intersession. A schedule is provided closer to the start of the quarter.

Students who complete the DePaul Placement Assessment tests before July 1st will receive an invitation to participate through email if they place into a FYAS course.


Registration for FYAS classes begins with the Preference Form. Don't wait to register! Registration is done on a first-come, first-served basis and classes do fill up quickly. 

MAT/FYSM 95 and MAT/FYSM 101 are designed as three-week skills labs to help students advance their ALEKs math placement in a shorter amount of time in order to continue on to the next prerequisite course required. 

MAT/FYSM 100 and MAT/FYSM130 are designed as five-week courses to help students build a strong foundation of knowledge in the final prerequisite course required to advance to the math required for their major.

Generally speaking, students can expect to spend about 15-20 hours per week on homework and studying.

Yes, but it is advisable to work part-time. Students who plan to work while taking a FYAS course are encouraged to schedule an Intro to FYAS Chat prior to the start of the session that they are interested in/enrolled in. Email to schedule an Intro to FYAS chat. 

It is not advisable to take a FYAS course if you have travel plans that overlap with a session. While some courses are offered asynchronously, there are deadlines that must be met to successfully complete the course, including midterms and finals.  Students must also have reliable access to WIFI and to a computer in order to complete assignments. If students have questions about how travel plans might overlap with each session, we encourage them to schedule an Intro to FYAS chat prior to the start of the session they are enrolled/interest in by sending an email to
