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Students: Mark your calendars for Family Weekend 2018

Family Weekend 2017
Sam, Jordan and Patricia Jones, left to right, pose for photos as DePaul students and family members gathered in the Lincoln Park Student Center last October for the Family Weekend 2017. (DePaul University/Jamie Moncrief)
Students, make sure to keep in touch with your parents regarding dates and prices for Family Weekend 2018, Oct. 12-14. From School of Music concerts to open houses with academic programs to free admission at the Art Institute of Chicago, Family Weekend is a university-wide event intended for students and their families to experience campus during the fall quarter

Registration for the weekend is required to participate in most activities on the Family Weekend schedule.​ Discounted tickets are available for those who preregister prior to Friday, Oct5.​ Although parents can purchase their tickets on-site, it’s cheaper to do so during the preregistration window. Rates for adult tickets, ages 15 and up, are $35. Youth tickets, ages 3-14, are $10. If purchased on-site, rates for adult tickets go up to $40 and the youth tickets remain at $10. 

If your guests would prefer not to register for the entire weekend, they may purchase a Sunday ticket -- brunch only -- for $16.95 the rate for this ticket is $16.95 before the registration window closes online and on-site. Tickets for DePaul students are FREE.

Visit the Student Affairs website for more details, FAQ’s, and to register. Click here for a full list of events for Family Weekend 2018.