DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Hey Students! News You Need > Students: Apply to be a HEAT Peer Health Educator

Students: Apply to be a HEAT Peer Health Educator

HEAT team
The Health Education Action Team, or HEAT, is a group of peer health educators that provide peer-to-peer health and wellness education for students. (Image courtesy of Student Affairs)

Passionate about providing peer-to-peer health and wellness education? Consider becoming a HEAT Peer Health Educator.

Since 2015, HEAT, short for Health Education and Action Team, has served students through educational workshops, presentations and collaborative workshops on topics like sleep, healthy relationships, substance use, stress management and bystander intervention.

Applicants must be at sophomore status or above, able to work a minimum of five hours in the office each week and be comfortable presenting on topics of substance use and sexual and relationship violence. Apply on Campus Job Board today.

Questions may be directed to Christine Augustin.
