Steans Center > Collaboratory > Testimonials


"Before, there was no systematic way at all of knowing what people were doing, it was very ad hoc, Now, it's quick and easy. Let's say you wanted to know who is working on homeless issues at the university. You can do a quick search and find out who is doing that – it's a way to learn right away about people who might be in your network at the university and teach in different departments."

Euan Hague

Professor of Geography and Director of the School of Public Service
Euan Hague  

“Collaboratory can be a much more thorough and interactive version of what an individual's website could be. It's a good way to find out who you could possibly collaborate with at DePaul.”

Christina Rivers

Associate Professor of Political Science
Christina Rivers

"Collaboratory helps us see our efforts more tangibly. It's a venue for us to be out there in a different way – so people realize what kind of service we provide in the communities we are invited into. An x-ray or a map of the institution and the different components within it."

Monica Ramos

Associate Director of the Egan Office for Urban Education and Community Partnerships
Monica Ramos  

“It's a robust tool. Students can go in and look for opportunities or do a search by topic or community. It's much easier and more efficient than just reaching out to another department or hearing something from the grapevine.”

Emily Tamblyn

Former Manager of Community Partnerships
Emily Tamblyn  

“This is a way for us to quantify what we are working toward and how DePaul is engaging in its spirit of service. You can see vast numbers of projects, courses and research activities that are examples of community engagement on the site. We are a very community-engaged university, but it's not always easy to see what that looks like. we don't always know what opportunities there are for collaboration at the university and in communities. Collaboratory is a great way for instructors and researchers to connect with one another. You can literally just start browsing and happen upon something. It can help you find people and organizations you may want to connect with.”

Molly Brown

Associate Professor Psychology, Clinical Psychology (Community)
Molly Brown