Expand Your Organization’s Financial Literacy Training Capabilities
Develop a financial literacy program for the community you serve.
Program Overview
DePaul University supports community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking to address economic inequality by providing financial literacy training.
The program Learning and Teaching Financial Literacy partners DePaul's Finance students with CBO leaders and their staff for a 5-week period (two hours per week).
Participants are trained in the State of Illinois' All My Money program. A certificate is awarded upon completion.
By the end of this course, the CBO participants will have a permanent and indispensable addition to their program offerings, which includes training of the following skills:
- Making optimal spending choices
- Utilizing evidence-based practices to create financial budgets for monitoring expenses
- Utilizing effective methods for financial savings
- Selecting the optimal personal financial services, e.g., checking accounts, prepaid cards, check cashing services
- Evaluating and managing financial credit
The program is set up in a “train the trainer" model with the hope that community leaders will take the knowledge back to their constituencies.
The curriculum will be delivered online via Zoom and involves a commitment from each partner of 4-5 synchronous sessions throughout during Spring Session at DePaul.
There is no cost for this training. The program is support through DePaul's commitment to serving communities.
Next Steps
To take part in the Spring 2022 program cohort, please reply Friday, March 18th, 2022. Interested CBO leaders should contact: