Campus Recreation > Aquatics > Swim Lessons

Swim Lessons

​​​​Swim Lesson Updates:

As we prepare for our ​Spring Quarter lessons, please complete the form HERE​ to ensure you receive updates regarding lesson details, session dates, and registration instructions. 

Additional Information about the Spring Quarter swim session will be available soon and will be shared via email and posted here on the Swim Lessons page. Thank you!

Private and Semi-Private // Winter Quarter 2025

Monday, January 13 - Monday, March 10 (8-week session, 8 lessons)


Private Lessons

Semi-Private Lessons​

Member Ra​​​​​​te



Non-member Rate​​


$ 280​​

​* Session rates are subject to change. 

** Swim packages are not prorated.

Group Swim Lessons // Winter Quarter 2025

Monday, January 13 - Monday, March 10 (8-week session, 8 lessons)

​45 Minute
​30 Minute

​Member Rat​e​​



​Non-member Ra​te



​*Swim packages are not pro-rated

Ray members have priority registration.

Group Lessons are subject to change based on demand and availability. 

  • Member registration opens: Tuesday, December 10 at 10:00 AM.
  • Non-member registration opens: Tuesday, December 17 at 10:00 AM.

See information below on group lessons. The skills described for each level will help determine the best fit for your child. 

Adult Swim Lessons

Advanced Swim Lessons

Swimmers will work with the instructor to build their technique in the water. They will learn advanced swimming skills of all four strokes. Instructors will also help to improve swimming aerobic capacity, efficiency, and speed.

Adult Beginning Swim

Swimmers will work with the instructor to build their confidence in the water. They will learn fundamental swimming skills such as floating, kicking, arm strokes and breathing that will be building blocks of the main strokes of freestyle and backstroke. Instructors will also help to improve swimming strength and endurance. No experience necessary!

Children's Swim

Parent-Child Classes

Instructors will use activities and songs to help children with skills and water adjustment. Children not fully toilet-trained must wear a swim diaper. The pool temperature is between 81-84° F.

Parent-Tot Baby (6 mt - 18 mts)
Parent-Tot Toddler (19 + mts)

Preschool Youth Classes (approx. age 3-4)

A transitional class from parent-child to group lessons. Independent and energetic kids who swim alone with flotation devices and are comfortable with parent/guardian separation will do great in this class.

Skills used in preschool class (including but not limited to):

  • Entering and exiting pool safely
  • Becoming more comfortable in the water
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Bobbing /submerging face in water
  • Front and back float (with support)
  • Water safety topics: recognize the lifeguard, how to call for help, reach or throw
Level 1 Youth Classes (approx. age 4-6)

This is the first class of conventional swim lessons and provides the foundation of two of the four main strokes, freestyle and backstroke. Instructors will work with swimmers to be more comfortable in the water without the use of a floatation device.

Skills learned in Level 1 (including but not limited to):

  • Entering and exiting pool safely
  • Becoming more comfortable in the water
  • Front glide and recover
  • Back glide and recover
  • Rolling from front to back; back to front
  • Paddle and kick 15 yards
  • Combined front leg and arm action with barbell (on front and back)
  • Water safety topics: recognize the Lifeguard, how to call for help, reach or throw
Level 2 Youth Classes (approx. age 5-6)

This is a beginner group lesson for kids who have an increased level of comfort in the pool. Swimmers will begin to move independently in the water over the course of the session.

Skills needed for entry into Level 2:

  • Able to enter water independently, using either the ramp, steps, or side, travel at least 5 yards, submerge mouth for at least 3 seconds, then safely exit the water. Children can walk, move along the gutter or “swim.”
  • Able to glide on front at least two body lengths, then roll to back and float for 3 seconds, then recover to a vertical position.

Skills learned in Level 2 (including but not limited to):

  • Completely submerge face; demonstrate five bobs
  • Back float (without support)
  • Paddle on front and back 25 yards with PFD
  • Paddle on front and back 15-25 feet without PFD
  • Introduce rotary breathing
  • Introduce elementary backstroke
  • Water Safety Topics: danger of drains, look before you leap, learn reaching assist
Level 3 Youth Classes (approx. age 5-8)

Kids in level 3 are able to swim independently with their face in the water. In these lessons, swimmers will begin developing stroke techniques and learn the fundamentals of front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.

Skills needed for entry into Level 3:

  • Able to step from side into chest deep water and move into a floating position for at least 15 seconds, then swim on front and/or back for five body lengths.
  • Able to back float for 15 seconds, roll to font, then recover into a vertical position
Skills learned in Level 3 (including but not limited to):
  • Demonstrate 10 bobs
  • Front crawl 25 yards with PFD
  • Rotary breathing, 15 times
  • Push off in a streamline on front and back
  • Paddle on front 15 feet without PFD
  • Combined arm and leg actions on front and back
  • Introduction to breaststroke and breaststroke kick, dolphin kick, and backstroke
  • Water Safety Topics: think so you don’t sink, don’t just pack it, wear your jacket
Level 4 Youth Classes (approx. age 6-9)

Swimmers understand the basics of backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle. In these lessons, kids continue to advance their stroke techniques, begin to learn butterfly and increase the distance they are able to swim.

Skills needed for entry into Level 4:

  • Able to jump into pool and front crawl and/or elementary backstroke 25 yards
  • Able to push off in a streamlined position, then swim front crawl 15 yards, change position, then swim elementary backstroke 15 yards

Skills learned in Level 4 (including but not limited to):

  • Freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke for 25 yards
  • Introduce dolphin kick
Level 5/6 Youth Classes (approx. age 8-12)

Swimmers have a solid understanding of all four strokes. In level 5, they will learn flip turns, continue to fine-tune technique and increase distance. This class is intended to improve technique and endurance and prepare participants for competitive swimming.

Skills needed for entry into Level 5/6:

  • Able to swim freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke for 25 yards.
  • Swim a continuous 100 yards (any stroke)
  • Able to submerge and swim 3-5 body lengths underwater in streamline Skills learned in Level 5 (including but not limited to):
  • Freestyle with rhythmic breathing 50 yards
  • Butterfly for 25 yards
  • Open turns Skills learned in Level 6 (including but not limited to):
  • Improve technique and endurance in all four strokes
  • Flip turns