The Fitness Center and Studio (located in the basement of CDM) are free to all enrolled DePaul students and current faculty/staff ONLY. Swipe your current DePaul ID to access the spaces. Swipe card access is available during CDM building hours.
The Fitness Center houses cardio and weight equipment.
The Fitness Studio offers space and small equipment items for stretching and resistance training.
There are small restrooms/locker rooms where you may store belongings while you work out and/or use a shower. The lockers are for daily use only.
Fitness Center and Studio Hours
Open during CDM building hours. The Fitness Center and Studio are closed on DePaul holidays and days when the CDM building is closed.
FREE Loop Equipment Orientations
Orientation sessions are offered by appointment Monday – Friday; sessions are 30-minutes long. To make an appointment, please complete the
request form. If you have questions, please email
Several types of orientation are offered or we can provide a combination that is useful for you:
- Basic fitness center orientation is designed especially for beginners or those new to working out. We provide an overview for the whole facility, cover the usage of cardio machines, selectorized strength machines, and functional training equipment, as well as discuss stretching and/or foam rolling basics.
- Cardiovascular equipment orientation is ideal for an individual who is looking for a quick introduction to common cardio equipment and an explanation of training settings on the equipment.
- Functional equipment orientation is designed for individuals who would like an introduction to the functional equipment available including kettlebells, TRX, dumbbells, and the SYNRGY functionaltraining station.
- Selectorized strength equipment orientation is ideal for individuals who want a brief introduction to various selectorized pieces and are interested in learning the specific muscle groups that each may target.
Personal Training
Are you interested in jump-starting or exploring ways to enhance your fitness routine? Set up sessions with a personal trainer for individual, partner, or small group training in the Loop Fitness Center and Studio. For more information, contact
Leanne Kulchawik.
Several departments oversee the Loop Fitness facilities:
For fitness equipment issues or concerns, contact Campus Recreation.
For other issues or concerns, including access, call 312-362-8682.