Campus Recreation > Fitness & Wellness > Personal Training > Trainers > Jose Aguilar

Jose Aguilar

  • Specialties: Marathon Training | Sport-Specific Strength and Conditioning | Endurance Coaching | Functional Training
  • Personal Trainer

Certified Personal Trainer – American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Massage Therapist – Chicago School of Massage Therapy


Jose has excelled in endurance sports since the 90's. He has completed multiple Ironman triathlons and marathons (including the Boston Marathon) as well as various obstacle course venues and martial art disciplines.

These experiences, combined with his clinical massage expertise, have added an important level of kinetic understanding to his personal training knowledge for over twenty years. 

Training Philosophy:
Jose believes that creating and maintaining a solid foundation of good health is key to achieving life-long fitness. Challenging your mind and body with a consistent, balanced routine of flexibility, strength and mobility will allow you greater freedom and comfort in your chosen lifestyle. Exercise and fitness should not be a trend. It should be for the longevity of your body, mind and soul.