The university continues to subsidize parking and make it available to the campus community at a discounted rate for the 2022-23 academic year. However, due to rising operational costs and city tax expenses, the pricing of all permits will be increasing effective July 1, 2022. The university continues to work at keeping permits affordable, while maintaining a viable parking operation.
The cost of DePaul's Student 24-Hour Parking Permit will be $570 for the 2022-23 academic year. The quarterly payment method is being offered for this permit ONLY. The permit will be available for payment between four quarters. If you decide to utilize this method, there will be no refunds or proration available.
This permit allows students 24-hour access to student surface parking lots as well as both parking structures (Sheffield & Clifton) on campus.
The university will continue to offer the Student 24-hour/day Clifton Deck Only permit to the first 150 student applicants at $450. This permit does not include parking access to Sheffield Deck or the student surface parking lots.
Reserved Sanctuary spaces are available on first come first serve basis for $870.
Evening & Weekend – Clifton Only permits are available for $155. This permit is valid for use in student surface parking lots and the Clifton Garage from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. (Monday through Friday) and all day on weekends.
We have a limited number of parking spaces in the School of Music garage. the permit is being offered for $450. This permit allows access to the School of Music garage, as well as student surface parking lots. Parking in this garage is permitted during regular School of Music business hours only (typically 7 a.m. -midnight every day). No overnight parking in this garage is allowed.
You can purchase your parking permit online via Campus Connect by selecting Navigator from the NavBar (the diamond in the upper right-hand corner). Then go to Self Service>University Services>Parking Permits Online. Additionally, all free STUDENT Evening & Weekend permits must be obtained through this online application.
The sale of all permits for the coming academic year begins Friday, July 1, 2022.
Parking Services does not control parking at the Loop Campus. However, nearby parking facilities offer a reduced rate for DePaul students. Please visit Procurement Services' Demon Discounts website for a current list of participating parking facilities.
For more information, please contact Parking Services at (773) 325-7275.
Please note that refunds will NOT be issued after the permit refund schedule dates on the Parking Services website.