Masters of Public Health graduate speaking with DePaul faculty member
"I've worked with the Steans Center in multiple ways, and I always feel supported and that my ideas are valued. The Steans Center facilitated the current partnership that WRD 371 (Mentoring Youth in Community Writing Groups) has with Leo High School, and they are always available to talk with the students in my class and provide Asset-based Community Development resources. They are also always present at the WRD 371 celebratory open mic events both at Leo and DePaul, and I believe that the extra level of collaboration and partnership that the Steans Center provides elevates the experience for everyone involved."
Jennifer Finstrom
Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Adjunct Faculty
Community-based Research
The Steans Center for Community-based Service Learning will award up to three Community-based Research Faculty Fellowships per academic year.
The Center for Community Health Equity (CCHE) and the Steans Center request support for health equity research that engages a community partner in identifying solution-focused strategies to health inequities.
The Community-based Research Assistant Program provides faculty with the support of a student assistant in order to support service learning research activity.
For more information on developing a course with CbR, contact Howard Rosing at
DePaul Grants
DePaul Public Service Council Grants
Fund your service learning course development or conduct research on community engagement or with a DePaul community partner.
LAS Community and Project-based Learning (CPBL) Co-Teaching Fellowships
Full-time faculty in The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences are invited to apply for the Team Teaching CPBL Fellowship and the Lead Faculty CPBL Fellowship, both of which are designed to support the development and delivery of co-taught multi-disciplinary courses in which students work collaboratively with a community partner on a project of mutual interest and benefit. For application details and deadlines, visit the CPBL Fellowship website.
Scholarship of Community Engagement
Fund your scholarship on service learning and community engagement
The Steans Center has support for faculty to attend national, regional, and state-wide conferences devoted to service-learning and community engagement. To see a comprehensive list, visit
Campus Compact. Examples include:
IARSLCE – International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
Imagining America – concerned with community engagement in the humanities, arts, and design fields
Community Immersions
Through the Community Immersion Faculty Institute participants will
- Deepen their understanding of cultivating and sustaining community partnerships
- Deepen their understanding of Community-based Service Learning and Asset-Based Community Development
- Deepen their understanding of community history, current social justice issues, and assets
- Draft, revise, or improve a CbSL course, internship, or project
Community Conversations
The Steans Center facilitates periodic informal conversations on contemporary issues of interest in community-engaged work and service learning to faculty, staff and community members. Non-violence, social entrepreneurship, communications, gender, sustainability, your idea here? Ideas welcome at