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The 10th annual St. Vincent's Health Fair is around the corner. Wellness continues to be a primary focus and goal of the benefits strategy at DePaul. The Office of Human Resources believes the health fair is a significant contributor to achieving that goal. From flu shots to earning points toward the Healthy Vin-cent$ Wellness Program incentive, HR encourages employees to take full advantage of everything the fair offers.
Monday, Oct. 23 and Tuesday, Oct. 24
7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park Student Center, room 120 A/B
Wednesday, Oct. 25 and Thursday, Oct. 26
7 - 11:30 a.m.
Loop DePaul Center, concourse level
Could the Consumer Driven Health Plan be right for you?
It is important to understand your medical plan options in order to make the best choice. Figure out whether the CDHP is right for you with this comparison sheet. It runs through a few examples where employees will pay less money-when adding up premiums and healthcare expenses-by choosing the CDHP. DePaul HR's Benefits team will also be
holding information sessions to help you learn more about your medical plan options and the CDHP, specifically. Please join us. These brief information sessions could prove to be very beneficial.
DePaul's Blue Cross Blue Shield CDHP offers comprehensive, affordable medical coverage. There are many great reasons to consider the Consumer Driven Health Plan:
- Preventive care is covered at 100 percent
- DePaul will fund a portion of your health savings account (HSA)
- You pay lower monthly premiums for coverage
- Blue Cross Blue Shield network
- Freedom to choose your provider
- Extensive tools and resources to help you manage your health
Review your benefits and be ready for Open Enrollment
Hundreds of DePaul employees have already used ALEX, our friendly benefits assistant, to review their benefit options and make more informed choices. When you answer some basic questions, ALEX can help you review everything from medical plans to disability, and even your retirement plan. Get started today. Please note: ALEX helps you choose benefits, but ALEX doesn't actually make any enrollment changes for you. You will still need to make your benefit election through Campus Connect.
Just a few health fair highlights:
- Free flu shots
- Register for free or discounted health evaluations
- Find a discounted fitness center that fits your lifestyle
- Learn more about 403(b) retirement accounts
- Earn points toward the Healthy Vin-cent$ Wellness Campaign
- Chair yoga sessions
- Enter drawings and win prizes