DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Faculty and Staff: HR News > Attitude of gratitude

Promote an attitude of gratitude and boost employee engagement

HR staff
(DePaul University/Ben Craig)
Can you feel it in the air? It is unmistakable in Chicago when the holiday season is upon us. The leaves cover the lawns and the wind whips wildly. 

For many of us, November means planning Thanksgiving menus or booking flights to visit family and friends. Even if Thanksgiving is not a holiday that you celebrate, the reminder this holiday offers to give thanks is valuable for all of us. This season, we encourage you this season to think about how to express an “attitude of gratitude” in your workplace at DePaul.

“Taking the time to notice and recognize the hard work individuals do every day can make a world of difference,” explains Isabel Diaz, director of employee relations and equal employment opportunity. 

It is important to note, though, that recognition does not have to come only from a manager. Every faculty and staff member at DePaul can positively contribute to the workplace climate by their attitudes and behaviors. Especially for our student employees, learning from faculty and staff how to express gratitude in a professional setting can be a powerful experience.

Also, recognition does not need to be a grand gesture. Here are some simple ideas to help express gratitude in the workplace:
  • Be kind. This is simple but can have a huge impact on promoting an open and positive work environment.  And in the words of St. Vincent de Paul, “keep your gentleness and your smile” as you serve others.
  • Say “thank you” as often as you can—even if the person has done something that was expected of them. 
  • Bring treats in the office and add a simple note near them with a message of thanks. (Pinterest has lots of creative ideas!)
  • Keep a stash of cards at work to easily celebrate fellow employees’ milestones (birthdays, work anniversaries) or praise a job well done. In our world of texts and emails, a handwritten note can be very meaningful.
So what is one thing that you can do this season to cultivate your attitude of gratitude at DePaul? It may seem like a small gesture to you, but it might just give a boost to the employee engagement in your workplace. 

Want to learn more about employee engagement? Check out this quick e-learning course, “What is Employee Engagement.” You also can visit DePaul’s Employee Engagement website​.  
