All benefits-eligible faculty and staff have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6, to make desired changes to their benefits elections. Changes will take effect Jan. 1, 2021.Comprehensive information regarding DePaul's 2021 open enrollment can be found on the Office of Human Resources website. Other tools available to support your 2021 benefits decision making include:
- ALEX, DePaul's virtual benefits “counselor." This online tool helps you to review options so that you get the most out of your benefits and use your money wisely. Note: ALEX helps you choose benefits, but ALEX doesn't actually make any enrollment changes for you. You will still need to make your benefits elections through myHR.
- 2020 Virtual Health and Benefits Fair - Usually this fair is an in-person event, but it has been converted to a virtual format this year and will extend through the entire open enrollment period. By completing the check-in form after “attending" the event, you will be entered to receive one of the raffle prizes from our vendors as well as receive 15 points towards the Healthy Vincent's Wellness Program incentive.
If no changes are desired, faculty and staff only need to re-enroll in the Health Care or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, if applicable. All other benefits in which you are currently enrolled will remain active.
If you have questions about benefits at DePaul, you can contact the benefits team at (312) 362-8232 or hrbenefits@depaul.edu.