Launched in mid-June, DePaul's Talent Share Program aims to address the impact the switch to remote operations has on workloads across the university. The basic concept of the program is simple—temporary needs within the university are filled by talent who have current availability.
The program offers a solution in this difficult time where the university has slowed down its hiring for positions due to the financial impacts of the current pandemic; and where some current staff employees have had their schedules reduced because of remote operations.
The opportunities available through the Talent Share Program are not jobs, though; they are temporary assignments. Employees must currently be employed at DePaul as staff, not faculty or student employees. While working in a temporary assignment through the program, staff continue to consult with their “home" manager. In regard to funding, the employee continues to be paid from their “home" area at their current pay rate. Current Talent Share Program opportunities are available here.
DePaul managers initiate the process by taking the lead on identifying temporary assignments or projects, as well as determining eligible staff in their area who may have the capacity to participate in the program. Managers then work with the Talent Acquisition team within the Office of Human Resources, who compares requests for assistance to employees who are available, identifies potential matches and connects the two managers. The managers determine whether it is a good match and, if so, agree to the Talent Share Program and notify the Talent Acquisition team.
For details on the process, current opportunities and answers to frequently asked questions about the Talent Share Program, please visit go.depaul.edu/talentshare, or contact the Talent Acquisition team at staffing@depaul.edu.