Now is the time to plan with your manager and use any vacation hours you may have. Any vacation time in excess of five days that is not used by Dec. 31, 2020, will be lost.*
Managers are advised to ask their employees about vacation plans. Getting a sense of employees' plans ensures your team is encouraged to take advantage of DePaul's vacation benefit while also ensuring the department's work gets done.
Similar to what we've had to do in many other areas of our life since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, reimagining how we use vacation time in creative ways is another to add to the list. Even if it is just to take a day away from your computer to go for a long walk or finally reading that book on your shelf, taking down time during the week is a one way you can take care of yourself. With the unprecedented level of uncertainty we are all facing, prioritizing self-care is more important than ever.
Visit the Office of Human Resources online for details about DePaul's vacation and holiday benefits.
*Note: With the university's upcoming transition of its human resources and financial applications to BlueSky, all hours worked and time off should be entered and approved in PeopleSoft by Dec. 15, 2020, for payment in 2020. Regular payroll dates apply.