Over the past several weeks, the entire university community has been taking action to support DePaul's system upgrade to BlueSky, which will launch by January 2021. This new system will deliver data faster and make administrative processes more efficient — both of which directly affect our purpose at DePaul: supporting student success.Throughout December, certain human resources and finance applications in PeopleSoft will be unavailable to enable a smooth transition of data to BlueSky. During this time, all employees are encouraged to register for BlueKey to be able to access the new system in January and to explore training opportunities to become familiar with BlueSky's features and processes.
Register to access BlueSky
To access BlueSky, a BlueKey login will be required. BlueKey is a seamless and secure login experience for DePaul applications. Your BlueKey username is your depaul.edu email address, and the password is identical to what is currently referred to as your Campus Connect password.
It is recommended that all DePaul employees register for BlueKey before Jan. 4, 2021. The best way to register is to do so using your computer with your mobile device nearby in order to download the Microsoft authenticator app. Click here to register for BlueKey.
Additional information about BlueKey can be found on the Information Services website. Note: BlueKey does not replace the Duo app; if you are using Duo to access any DePaul services or systems, you will continue to use Duo for the foreseeable future.
Explore BlueSky training resources
BlueSky training toolkits offer role-specific information and contain videos about different processes and functions. Employees have access to all of the available toolkits, and more content is being added each day. To be prepared for using BlueSky when the system launches, employees and managers are encouraged to explore the following training videos at a minimum.
Important BlueSky training videos to view before Jan. 4, 2021:
Note: These videos are visual only; there is no audio.
For employees:
For managers:
In addition to the training toolkits, several virtual drop-in training sessions are being held. For details on these sessions, in addition to other BlueSky resources and updates, visit the BlueSky website.